I am a post-doctoral fellow with a wide range of interests in ecology. I regard myself as a theoretician motivated by a strong desire to apply the results of abstract investigations to tangible challenges such as the impact of global change on ecological communities.
During my PhD, I investigated the relationship between biotic interactions and species co-occurrence. Even though the role of species interactions have been been early pointed out as a major contributor to species’s range limits, researchers are still struggling to find adequate approaches that appropriately combine abiotic and biotic factors to better predict tomorrow’s biodiversity. I have found some promising research avenues to elucidate the conditions under which biotic factors cannot be neglected to predict species' distribution. If by any chance, this interests you, you should have a look at my PhD dissertation. As a post-doc, I am applying the results of my PhD on the fish communities of the Ontario’s lakes and developing an integrated theory of biogeography including energy transfer, ecological networks and dispersal.