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The goal of the package fwebinfr is to predict interaction strenghts in food web models by solving Linear Inverse Models (LIM). fwebinfr provides a user-friendly interface to create such problems and leverages limSolve behind the scenes to solve them.

Basic 2 species system

Here is a built-in example with 2 species. First, we load the package.

This example is available in the package and is called using fw_example_2species().

# a first example
net <- fw_example_2species()
## $A
##      [,1] [,2]
## [1,] -0.1 -0.2
## [2,]  0.1  0.0
## $B
## [1] 0.50 0.25
## $R
## [1]  0.10 -0.05
## $model
## function (t, y, pars) 
## {
##     return(list((pars$A %*% y + pars$R) * y))
## }
## <bytecode: 0x559ed3d51d50>
## <environment: namespace:fwebinfr>
## $leading_ev
## [1] -0.025
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "fw_model"

It is an object of class fw_model that includes all details needed for the inference. For the sake of the example, matrix A contains the real interaction, by default, none will be used for the inference as there are interpreted as unkown according to atrix U. A quick visualisation of the dynamics.

fw_ode_plot(net, rep(0.3, 2), seq(1, 500, 0.1))

Infering interaction strengths

We now call fw_infer() which requires an object of class fw_problem we obtain calling fw_as_problem().

res <- fw_infer(fw_as_problem(net))
## Warning in lsei(E = E, F = F, G = G, H = H): No equalities - setting type = 2
## [1] "fw_predicted"
## [1] 3000    4
##       a_1_1 a_2_1    a_1_2  leading_ev
## 1 1.0000000     1 1.000000 -0.02500000
## 2 0.7199913     1 1.280009 -0.01799978
## 3 0.6689279     1 1.331072 -0.01672320
## 4 0.8436194     1 1.156381 -0.02109049
## 5 0.8447336     1 1.155266 -0.02111834
## 6 0.7204231     1 1.279577 -0.01801058

Note that we can also use extra parameters of the limSolve::xsample() that is called ultimately.

res <- fw_infer(fw_as_problem(net), burninlength = 5000, iter = 5000, type = "mirror")
## Warning in lsei(E = E, F = F, G = G, H = H): No equalities - setting type = 2
## [1] "fw_predicted"

Here, burninlength = 5000, iter and type are actually parameters passed to limSolve::xsample(). The output is an object of class fw_predicted which is a list of two elements: 1. prediction a data frame of the prediction, 2. problem the orignal problem.

## [1] 5000    4
##       a_1_1 a_2_1    a_1_2  leading_ev
## 1 1.0000000     1 1.000000 -0.02500000
## 2 0.7985890     1 1.201411 -0.01996472
## 3 0.7522415     1 1.247758 -0.01880604
## 4 0.4226266     1 1.577373 -0.01056567
## 5 0.6762447     1 1.323755 -0.01690612
## 6 0.4962632     1 1.503737 -0.01240658

There are functions to quickly eplore the result. For the range of interaction strengths can be used visualize with fw_range_plot().

This function also allows one to see the individual points colored according to their stability.

fw_range_plot(res, show_points = TRUE)

There is also an option to compare the most stable set of parameters to the rest of value. By default, it compares the 25% most stable systems to the rest of the systems.

For any result, we can check the food web predicted:

fw_predict_A(res, 1)
##      [,1] [,2]
## [1,] -0.1 -0.2
## [2,]  0.1  0.0
fw_predict_A(res, 1000)
##              [,1]       [,2]
## [1,] -0.006261394 -0.3874772
## [2,]  0.100000000  0.0000000

as well as the biomass (which should equal the one we provided).

fw_predict_B(res, 1)
## [1] 0.50 0.25
fw_predict_B(res, 1000)
## [1] 0.50 0.25

Compare most and least stable systems

Let’s plot the dynamics for the system with the min and max leading eigen value.

# we create one new `fw_problem` object with the most stable system and another one
# with the the leas stable system. 

net_most_stable <- fw_model(
  A = fw_predict_A(res, which.min(res$prediction$leading_ev)),
  B = fw_predict_B(res, which.min(res$prediction$leading_ev)),
  R = net$R
net_least_stable <- fw_model(
    A = fw_predict_A(res, which.max(res$prediction$leading_ev)),
    B = fw_predict_B(res, which.max(res$prediction$leading_ev)),
    R = net$R

p1 <- fw_ode_plot(net_most_stable, rep(0.3, 2), seq(1, 500, 0.1)) + 
  ggtitle("Minimum leading eigen value (most stable)")
p2 <- fw_ode_plot(net_least_stable, rep(0.3, 2), seq(1, 500, 0.1)) +
  ggtitle("Maximum leading eigen value (least stable)")
p1 / p2

Working with known interactions

In the example above, all non-null interactions are regarded as unknown once the fw_model object is passed to fw_problem. In some cases, part of the interaction may be known. To specify what interactions are known, we define U. For instance let’s assume A[1,1] is known and equals -0.1.

# use the U matrix
U <- res$problem$U
# set the first interaction to known
U$unknown[1] <- FALSE

res2 <- fw_problem(A = net$A, B = net$B, R = net$R, U) |> 
## Warning in (function (A = NULL, B = NULL, E = NULL, F = NULL, G = NULL, : the
## problem has a single solution; this solution is returned as function value
## $prediction
##   a_2_1 a_1_2 leading_ev
## 1     1     1     -0.025
## $problem
## $A
##      [,1] [,2]
## [1,] -0.1 -0.2
## [2,]  0.1  0.0
## $B
## [1] 0.50 0.25
## $R
## [1]  0.10 -0.05
## $U
##    name row col unknown value
## 1 a_2_1   2   1    TRUE   0.1
## 2 a_1_2   1   2    TRUE  -0.2
## 3 a_1_1   1   1   FALSE  -0.1
## $sdB
## $model
## function (t, y, pars) 
## {
##     return(list((pars$A %*% y + pars$R) * y))
## }
## <bytecode: 0x559ed3d51d50>
## <environment: namespace:fwebinfr>
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "fw_problem"
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "fw_predicted"

As mentioned by the warning, there is only one solution here, the one solution we started with.

uniq_sys <- fw_model(
  A = fw_predict_A(res2, 1),
  B = fw_predict_B(res2, 1),
  R = net$R
fw_ode_plot(uniq_sys, rep(0.3, 2), seq(1, 500, 0.1)) +
   ggtitle("Unique solution")